Frequently Asked Questions

How Can We Help?

The price of a photograph is determined by the seller when uploading.

Photographers receive 60% of the sale proceeds. Shootbrightphoto retains 40%.

Only specific formats, color profiles, and dimensions are accepted.

File Format We accept images in JPEG and TIFF formats, but recommend submitting your images as JPEGs since all images are automatically converted to JPEG upon approval. We do not currently accept PSD files or TIFFs with layers.

We accept EPS files, but they must be saved in a format compatible with Adobe Illustrator 8 or 10.

Generally, we do not accept still frames from video files (even 8K) as they do not meet our technical quality standards.

Color ProfileShootbrightphoto images are offered in sRGB, as most images on the Internet use this profile. If you submit images in a different color profile, the colors will likely be altered during conversion to sRGB, so we recommend converting your images to sRGB before uploading them to Shootbrightphoto.

File Size and Dimensions All images must be at least 4 MP (megapixels) or larger and set at the highest quality settings to produce acceptable file dimensions for submission to Shootbrightphoto.

The maximum file size you can upload using your web browser is 50 MB for photos and 100 MB for EPS. If you upload via FTPS, you can upload JPEGs up to 50 MB, EPS files up to 100 MB, and TIFFs up to 4 GB in size.

Megapixels (MP) are different from megabytes (MB), as they refer to the dimensions and not the file size. To calculate your megapixels, multiply the X (width) by the Y (height) of your image or artwork.

For example: 2000 x 2400 pixels = 4.8 Megapixels. A file of this size is acceptable. 1200 x 3000 pixels = 3.6 Megapixels. This is smaller than our minimum size requirement and will not be accepted by our system.

Regarding Pixels/Points/Picas/Inches: Below is a translation of what 4 MP means in each measurement. Keep in mind, these values differ based on your computer’s DPI/PPI settings, but at 72 DPI/PPI (which is the current standard), those values would be:

4 million pixels = 4 million points = 27,562 picas = 771.62 square inches EPS files must be a minimum of 4 MP, but no greater than 25 MP. This requirement applies to the size of the bounding box around your artwork, not your artboard. In the example below, the artboard is the white square behind the yellow stars, and the bounding box is the automatically generated blue outlined box around the actual artwork.

So, even if your artboard is 4 MP or above, if the bounding box around your artwork is under 4 MP, you will receive an error.

To fix this issue, please increase the dimensions of your artwork to be 4 MP or higher.

In Adobe Illustrator:

  1. Select your entire artwork.
  2. In the Transform panel, expand your artwork to be at least 4 MP. In CC 2018 and newer, this panel is nested under the Properties tab.

3. Adjust your artboard accordingly so that your artwork doesn’t exceed it.

 Earnings are automatically calculated at the beginning of each month, with payments issued by the 15th.

The payment cycle for Shootbrightphoto contributors is monthly. Earnings from the previous month are calculated at the start of each calendar month. Contributors whose earnings meet the minimum payout amount and are eligible for payment will be notified by email once their earnings are calculated. Issued payments will be reflected in the account’s Payment History.

Here is a breakdown of each stage of the payment cycle:

  1. Payment Cycle At midnight (12:00 AM US Eastern time) on the 1st of each calendar month, a new cycle begins. Shortly after, we start calculating the earnings accrued in the previous month and determine which accounts are eligible for payment.
  2. Payment Calculation Earnings are calculated only for those contributors who are eligible to receive payment and whose earnings have reached the minimum payout amount set in their account. If all requirements are met, your ‘Unpaid Earnings’ will be reset to zero, and the process of calculating and issuing payment will begin. This usually takes a few days. Once the calculation is complete, you will receive an email notifying you of the upcoming payment.
  3. Payment Processing Payments are issued via PayPal, usually between the 7th and 15th of the month, unless the 7th falls on a weekend.
  4. Payment Status Once the payment has been issued, it will be reflected in your Payment History. This will show issued payments regardless of whether they were successfully received. Payments may fail or be delayed if your electronic payment account is not fully set up. Learn more about payment issues here.

It takes approximately two weeks to complete the full process from calculating earnings to issuing the payment.

Shootbrightphoto currently offers the following payment methods:


All we need is the email associated with your PayPal account. You can also activate or connect your account to Shootbrightphoto.

No, you don’t need to contact us to request your payment. Contributor payouts are automatically calculated at the end of each pay period and delivered according to the payment method specified in your account settings. Our system will determine if you have met the requirements to receive payment.

Note: You may not share a PayPal account with another Shootbrightphoto contributor.

You can set your minimum payout amount and select your payment method in the ‘Payout information’ section of your Account settings.

Please note that if you change your payment settings after a payment has already been calculated, your new settings will take effect the following month. This means that the payment in progress will be delivered according to the previous settings.

 If you did not reach your minimum payout, all your accrued earnings will carry over to the next month. This will continue each month until you have accumulated enough to meet your minimum payout level.

 If you received an email notification of payment and the payment is shown in your Payment History but you did not receive the money, there may be an issue.

If you were expecting a payment but did not receive a payment email from us, it’s possible that you did not meet the eligibility criteria or did not reach your minimum payout amount at the end of the previous month.

If the payment you received from Shootbrightphoto is less than what was reflected in your Unpaid Earnings, it is likely due to tax deductions.

Important policies and account regulations for Shootbrightphoto contributors. The following information supplements Shootbrightphoto’s Submitter Terms of Service. As a Shootbrightphoto contributor, you are required to adhere to the policies outlined below.

Account Registration and Required Forms

  • You must be 18 years of age to create a Shootbrightphoto account.
  • You may not share an account with another individual, and you cannot share content with another Shootbrightphoto contributor without prior consent from Shootbrightphoto.
  • The “Make payments to” name in your account must be your full legal name as it appears on your tax form; this is the name to which royalty payments will be made. For business accounts, this field will contain the business name.
  • To convert your Shootbrightphoto account to a business account, you must provide documentation as required by your country or state that indicates you are a principal owner of the business. Contact our support team for assistance.
  • You may not open a second Shootbrightphoto account without permission.
  • You may not share the same online payment processing service account (e.g., PayPal) with another Shootbrightphoto contributor.
  • You must submit an applicable tax form to receive payments of royalties accrued in your account. Shootbrightphoto will not issue payments to accounts without an approved tax form.

Account Regulation If we notice repeated issues related to content submissions or account activity, you may receive a warning. Multiple warnings may result in account suspension or termination. Reasons for receiving warnings include:

Account Activity

  • Failure to follow the guidelines outlined in Account Registration above.
  • Sharing a PayPal account with another Shootbrightphoto contributor.

Content Submissions

  • Intentionally submitting content to which you do not own the copyright or submitting content that infringes on the copyright of another artist will lead to immediate account termination.
  • Submitting content that infringes on the rights of any person, including directly copying or excessively drawing inspiration from work to which you do not own the rights.
  • Repeatedly resubmitting rejected content without correcting the legal/compliance, technical quality, or metadata issues.
  • Frequent errors with respect to required submission metadata as detailed.
  • Consistent repeated title and/or keyword spamming – repeating the same word within the title and/or using irrelevant or repetitive keywords.
  • Consistently submitting objectionable content and/or metadata, including inappropriate titles or keywords (e.g., using sexual terms to describe a minor).
  • Re-adding keywords that were previously removed by an administrator, adding restricted keywords after content approval, or modifying a caption previously edited by an administrator.

Content Ownership and Intellectual Property

  • Copyright gives the author(s) of a creative work the exclusive right to display, reproduce, distribute, and financially benefit from the work they create. If you have questions about ownership of your content on Shootbrightphoto, we recommend you familiarize yourself with our Submitter Terms of Service. The Shootbrightphoto Submitter Terms of Service describes and controls your legal relationship with Shootbrightphoto, the rights you are granting to Shootbrightphoto in any content you submit, and the uses Shootbrightphoto may make of the content.
  • Being inspired by an idea is acceptable, but it is never acceptable to copy someone else’s expression of an idea. If you believe an image on Shootbrightphoto infringes on your copyright, please send a DMCA Notice to the Legal Department.
  • You must own or control the copyright to all content you submit to Shootbrightphoto. This means you cannot submit work obtained from other sources (e.g., online image search results or free image download websites).
  • Content submissions intended for commercial licensing must not contain any copyrighted material, including artwork, other photos, sculptures, architecture, exhibits, or audio that is copyrighted, unless accompanied by a property release signed by the owner of all intellectual property rights in such material.
  • Additionally, content submissions intended for commercial licensing may not contain trademarks, service marks, or other indications of origin, including logos, owned by third parties.
  • If submitted content intended for commercial licensing contains copyrighted material, you must submit releases from the copyright owners. Learn more about our release requirements and download an acceptable release form on our Legal Forms page. Alternatively, where such content meets our editorial standards, you may submit the content for Editorial Use Only.
  • You must submit Press Credentials for certain types of content.
  • You may not submit content created in a manner that violates human rights, including but not limited to activities such as debt bondage, forced labor, child slavery, or other oppressive practices.
  • Content submissions related to members of certain races, ethnicities, disabilities, ages, religions, genders, or sexual orientations must depict and/or describe such members in ways that accurately and respectfully represent them. Please see our Guidelines for Submitting Diverse & Inclusive Content.
  • Do not embed your own watermark, website name, or copyright notice in your submissions. We protect your content with our own watermark, which is applied when your content is accepted to our site.
  • We reserve the right to remove any previously accepted content submission from the Shootbrightphoto library and reserve the right to reinstate any previously accepted content submission that was later removed by a Shootbrightphoto administrator at any time for any reason.

Due to their highly customized nature and scope of use, datasets are not available for direct purchase on our website. Since datasets are manually curated, the individual assets included in them are not reflected in your contributor account download history and Earnings Summary.

The price of a photograph is determined by the seller when uploading.
Photographers receive 60% of the sale proceeds. Shootbrightphoto retains 40%.
Only specific formats, color profiles, and dimensions are accepted.File Format We accept images in JPEG and TIFF formats, but recommend submitting your images as JPEGs since all images are automatically converted to JPEG upon approval. We do not currently accept PSD files or TIFFs with layers.We accept EPS files, but they must be saved in a format compatible with Adobe Illustrator 8 or 10.Generally, we do not accept still frames from video files (even 8K) as they do not meet our technical quality standards.Color ProfileShootbrightphoto images are offered in sRGB, as most images on the Internet use this profile. If you submit images in a different color profile, the colors will likely be altered during conversion to sRGB, so we recommend converting your images to sRGB before uploading them to Shootbrightphoto.File Size and Dimensions All images must be at least 4 MP (megapixels) or larger and set at the highest quality settings to produce acceptable file dimensions for submission to Shootbrightphoto.The maximum file size you can upload using your web browser is 50 MB for photos and 100 MB for EPS. If you upload via FTPS, you can upload JPEGs up to 50 MB, EPS files up to 100 MB, and TIFFs up to 4 GB in size.Megapixels (MP) are different from megabytes (MB), as they refer to the dimensions and not the file size. To calculate your megapixels, multiply the X (width) by the Y (height) of your image or artwork.For example: 2000 x 2400 pixels = 4.8 Megapixels. A file of this size is acceptable. 1200 x 3000 pixels = 3.6 Megapixels. This is smaller than our minimum size requirement and will not be accepted by our system.Regarding Pixels/Points/Picas/Inches: Below is a translation of what 4 MP means in each measurement. Keep in mind, these values differ based on your computer’s DPI/PPI settings, but at 72 DPI/PPI (which is the current standard), those values would be:4 million pixels = 4 million points = 27,562 picas = 771.62 square inches EPS files must be a minimum of 4 MP, but no greater than 25 MP. This requirement applies to the size of the bounding box around your artwork, not your artboard. In the example below, the artboard is the white square behind the yellow stars, and the bounding box is the automatically generated blue outlined box around the actual artwork.So, even if your artboard is 4 MP or above, if the bounding box around your artwork is under 4 MP, you will receive an error.To fix this issue, please increase the dimensions of your artwork to be 4 MP or higher.In Adobe Illustrator:Select your entire artwork.In the Transform panel, expand your artwork to be at least 4 MP. In CC 2018 and newer, this panel is nested under the Properties tab.Adjust your artboard accordingly so that your artwork doesn’t exceed it.
Earnings are automatically calculated at the beginning of each month, with payments issued by the 15th.The payment cycle for Shootbrightphoto contributors is monthly. Earnings from the previous month are calculated at the start of each calendar month. Contributors whose earnings meet the minimum payout amount and are eligible for payment will be notified by email once their earnings are calculated. Issued payments will be reflected in the account's Payment History.Here is a breakdown of each stage of the payment cycle:Payment Cycle At midnight (12:00 AM US Eastern time) on the 1st of each calendar month, a new cycle begins. Shortly after, we start calculating the earnings accrued in the previous month and determine which accounts are eligible for payment.Payment Calculation Earnings are calculated only for those contributors who are eligible to receive payment and whose earnings have reached the minimum payout amount set in their account. If all requirements are met, your ‘Unpaid Earnings’ will be reset to zero, and the process of calculating and issuing payment will begin. This usually takes a few days. Once the calculation is complete, you will receive an email notifying you of the upcoming payment.Payment Processing Payments are issued via PayPal, usually between the 7th and 15th of the month, unless the 7th falls on a weekend.Payment Status Once the payment has been issued, it will be reflected in your Payment History. This will show issued payments regardless of whether they were successfully received. Payments may fail or be delayed if your electronic payment account is not fully set up. Learn more about payment issues here.It takes approximately two weeks to complete the full process from calculating earnings to issuing the payment.
Shootbrightphoto currently offers the following payment methods:PayPalAll we need is the email associated with your PayPal account. You can also activate or connect your account to Shootbrightphoto.
No, you don’t need to contact us to request your payment. Contributor payouts are automatically calculated at the end of each pay period and delivered according to the payment method specified in your account settings. Our system will determine if you have met the requirements to receive payment.Note: You may not share a PayPal account with another Shootbrightphoto contributor.
You can set your minimum payout amount and select your payment method in the ‘Payout information’ section of your Account settings.Please note that if you change your payment settings after a payment has already been calculated, your new settings will take effect the following month. This means that the payment in progress will be delivered according to the previous settings.
 If you did not reach your minimum payout, all your accrued earnings will carry over to the next month. This will continue each month until you have accumulated enough to meet your minimum payout level.
 If you received an email notification of payment and the payment is shown in your Payment History but you did not receive the money, there may be an issue.If you were expecting a payment but did not receive a payment email from us, it’s possible that you did not meet the eligibility criteria or did not reach your minimum payout amount at the end of the previous month.
If the payment you received from Shootbrightphoto is less than what was reflected in your Unpaid Earnings, it is likely due to tax deductions.
Important policies and account regulations for Shootbrightphoto contributors. The following information supplements Shootbrightphoto’s Submitter Terms of Service. As a Shootbrightphoto contributor, you are required to adhere to the policies outlined below.Account Registration and Required FormsYou must be 18 years of age to create a Shootbrightphoto account.You may not share an account with another individual, and you cannot share content with another Shootbrightphoto contributor without prior consent from Shootbrightphoto.The “Make payments to” name in your account must be your full legal name as it appears on your tax form; this is the name to which royalty payments will be made. For business accounts, this field will contain the business name.To convert your Shootbrightphoto account to a business account, you must provide documentation as required by your country or state that indicates you are a principal owner of the business. Contact our support team for assistance.You may not open a second Shootbrightphoto account without permission.You may not share the same online payment processing service account (e.g., PayPal) with another Shootbrightphoto contributor.You must submit an applicable tax form to receive payments of royalties accrued in your account. Shootbrightphoto will not issue payments to accounts without an approved tax form.Account Regulation If we notice repeated issues related to content submissions or account activity, you may receive a warning. Multiple warnings may result in account suspension or termination. Reasons for receiving warnings include:Account ActivityFailure to follow the guidelines outlined in Account Registration above.Sharing a PayPal account with another Shootbrightphoto contributor.Content SubmissionsIntentionally submitting content to which you do not own the copyright or submitting content that infringes on the copyright of another artist will lead to immediate account termination.Submitting content that infringes on the rights of any person, including directly copying or excessively drawing inspiration from work to which you do not own the rights.Repeatedly resubmitting rejected content without correcting the legal/compliance, technical quality, or metadata issues.Frequent errors with respect to required submission metadata as detailed.Consistent repeated title and/or keyword spamming – repeating the same word within the title and/or using irrelevant or repetitive keywords.Consistently submitting objectionable content and/or metadata, including inappropriate titles or keywords (e.g., using sexual terms to describe a minor).Re-adding keywords that were previously removed by an administrator, adding restricted keywords after content approval, or modifying a caption previously edited by an administrator.Content Ownership and Intellectual PropertyCopyright gives the author(s) of a creative work the exclusive right to display, reproduce, distribute, and financially benefit from the work they create. If you have questions about ownership of your content on Shootbrightphoto, we recommend you familiarize yourself with our Submitter Terms of Service. The Shootbrightphoto Submitter Terms of Service describes and controls your legal relationship with Shootbrightphoto, the rights you are granting to Shootbrightphoto in any content you submit, and the uses Shootbrightphoto may make of the content.Being inspired by an idea is acceptable, but it is never acceptable to copy someone else’s expression of an idea. If you believe an image on Shootbrightphoto infringes on your copyright, please send a DMCA Notice to the Legal Department.You must own or control the copyright to all content you submit to Shootbrightphoto. This means you cannot submit work obtained from other sources (e.g., online image search results or free image download websites).Content submissions intended for commercial licensing must not contain any copyrighted material, including artwork, other photos, sculptures, architecture, exhibits, or audio that is copyrighted, unless accompanied by a property release signed by the owner of all intellectual property rights in such material.Additionally, content submissions intended for commercial licensing may not contain trademarks, service marks, or other indications of origin, including logos, owned by third parties.If submitted content intended for commercial licensing contains copyrighted material, you must submit releases from the copyright owners. Learn more about our release requirements and download an acceptable release form on our Legal Forms page. Alternatively, where such content meets our editorial standards, you may submit the content for Editorial Use Only.You must submit Press Credentials for certain types of content.You may not submit content created in a manner that violates human rights, including but not limited to activities such as debt bondage, forced labor, child slavery, or other oppressive practices.Content submissions related to members of certain races, ethnicities, disabilities, ages, religions, genders, or sexual orientations must depict and/or describe such members in ways that accurately and respectfully represent them. Please see our Guidelines for Submitting Diverse & Inclusive Content.Do not embed your own watermark, website name, or copyright notice in your submissions. We protect your content with our own watermark, which is applied when your content is accepted to our site.We reserve the right to remove any previously accepted content submission from the Shootbrightphoto library and reserve the right to reinstate any previously accepted content submission that was later removed by a Shootbrightphoto administrator at any time for any reason.
Due to their highly customized nature and scope of use, datasets are not available for direct purchase on our website. Since datasets are manually curated, the individual assets included in them are not reflected in your contributor account download history and Earnings Summary.